Punta del Este – >1 hour Drive from La Bellaca.
International Summer resort with wide variety of restaurants, shops, casinos, etc. Known as the South American French Riviera.
Jose Ignacio – 2 hr. drive from La Bellaca – posh fisherman´s village converted in trendy summer resort with famous restaurants e.g. La Huella
Shopping spree to Montevideo city – 1 hr. drive from La Bellaca – with several shopping centers, and wide variety of restaurants.
Punta Carretas Shopping
Montevideo Shopping
Calle Arocena
Colonia del Sacramento City ( 3hrs. from La Bellaca) – Quaint Colonial city with cobbled stone ways and small restaurants.
Buddhist temple – ½ hr. from La Bellaca – Richard Gere´s famous retreat place, can be combined with other nearby natural attractions as the Penitente waterfall, or the Arequita hill climb.